Friday, 24 December 2010

Merry X mas NOOB

Well it's that time of year again, The presents are wrapped, the tree is decorated and the turkey is ready for the oven. I love Christmas time. No don't be silly I'm not excited about any of those things! The reason I love this time of year is you can guarantee a few thousand noobs will have call of duty black ops on there Christmas wish list and for the next few weeks it's going to be the best codding of my life as I face off against no one higher than level 8 and all have names like Mike, John and Billy!

It's a special time as you hunt around a map seeing people trying to climb over invisible walls or are looking in the sky spinning in circles, let's face it we are going to see a lot of suicide this holiday season on summit and I won't even begin to guess at how many people try to walk out of the map on Array.

Unfortunately all this does have one small downside. That's right you guessed it unlimited Nuketown maps voted on again and again and again, all noobs love Nuketown as it finally gives them that one chance to whip out there rocket launcher and for one glorious second blast away some experienced veteran even if that results in ending their own life.

Let's face it there is nothing worse than getting on a 10-15 kill streak moving up into the 20's and a new personal best only to be shot in the back after a nasty re-spawn by a stationary player called 'Greg' who just stands over your body a gasp at what he has accomplished with his 1-23 Kill Death record.

Finally can I wish all my followers and fellow X-team members and Happy Christmas. Hell even the new players keep at it! I was a noob once even if that was back in 1998 on Goldeneye and even then I was still the best.


  1. Merry 'X'mas and a happy NOOB year!

  2. merry [X]mas to all the noobs cant wait to kill all of u noobs out there lolololol and have a happy NOOB year
